[WriteLog] Help with Bandmap

DickT-W0RAA dickt at w0raa.com
Wed Sep 25 19:02:27 EDT 2013

Hi again, Gary, and also to the others who may be following this mystery.

As for sounding like a lawyer, no problem.  I added the line

Mouse_Wheel_Hz=n (made n=5) to my WRITELOG.INI file.  Made no difference.

I still don't get anything to change.

I checked the Band Edges and all is OK there.

I right clicked on the bandmap and saw that "Restrict clicks to legal bands" 
checked.  I cleared that checkmark and now I can click on a station in the 
and the call is entered in the Entry Window and the FT-950 goes to the 
the station is on.  Not sure how that line got checked because I sure don't 
clicking on it.  But then I have days when I can't remember what I had for 
that day.  So, your suggestion to uncheck that line did the trick, Gary. 

So, it looks like things are working, except for the mouse wheel changing 
I use a cordless mouse, so that may be part of the problem.  That particular 
is not as important as having the radio jump to the proper freq when a call 
is clicked
on and having the call fill the entry window.  I can turn the knob on the 

If anybody can come up with an answer as to why the mouse wheel is not 
the radio freq or bandmap freq I'm open to an answer.

Thanks for the help, Gary and also thanks to some of the others who tossed 
suggestions.  Now, back to that mouse wheel....



PS:  See you in the WW this weekend.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gary AL9A
  To: DickT-W0RAA
  Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 3:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Help with Bandmap

  Ok Dick, this is starting to get more interesting.  Sorry to sound like a 
lawyer, but a few more questions....  It is normal behavior for a call that 
has been added to the band map to remain there until it times out even if 
the call is deleted from the Entry window. Since you are getting the call to 
populate the CALL field by clicking in the Super Check Partial window there 
is correct communication between WL and the radio.  The mouse wheel info is 
contained in the writelog.ini file in the Configuration section. 
Mouse_Wheel_Hz=n sets the number of Hz to move the radio/Band Map dial with 
each move of the mouse wheel.  Check your ini file to see if this is still 

  Do you have Band Edges defined in WL for your Band Map window?  These are 
created by using the Edit Sub Bands utility in the WriteLog program group. 
If so, and you have defined a Digital Sub Band, for example mine goes from 
14000 to 14150 for Digital, does the defined Digital Sub Band include the 
RTTY upper limit?  Is your radio within the limits of the Sub Band 
definition?  Right click on the Band Map and look at the window of options. 
Is “Restrict clicks to legal bands” checked?  If so, clear the check mark 
and see if that makes any difference.

  Just fishing here, but something is conflicting somewhere.

  Gary AL9A

  From: DickT-W0RAA
  Sent: September 25, 2013 11:45 AM
  To: Gary AL9A
  Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Help with Bandmap
  Note responses in Blue, Gary...

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: "Gary AL9A" <al9a at mtaonline.net>
  To: "Dick-W0RAA" <dickt at w0raa.com>
  Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 4:51 PM
  Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Help with Bandmap

  > Dick,
  > I would like a bit more info on your Band Map problem.  You say 
  > else related to CAT control works...  So when you double click on a call 
  > the Band Map does the call auto populate the CALL field in the Entry 

  No.  Nothing happens.

  > When you manually tune the VFO does the Band Map scroll with the VFO
  > frequency change?

  Yes.  If I turn the knob on my FT-950, the bandmap follows the frequency.

  If your mouse has a wheel on it, does the radio frequency
  > change up or down when you roll the mouse wheel?

  It dis it once (changed freq on radio), but after I clicked on the ststion 
in the
  bandmap it stopped working.  If I enter a call in the entry window and 
tell it to
  add to bandmap it does it.  But, if I deleete that call from the entry 
window it's
  still on the bandmap.  If I double click on it I get no response. If I 
start to enter
  a call in the entrry window, a list of calls with the letters I typed 
appear in the
  Super Check Partial window.  If I click on any call in that window, it 
  in the data entry window.

  If so, does the Band Map
  > scroll in sync with the mouse wheel too?  There's got to be reason 
  > for your problem.  We just need to find it!
  > 73,
  > Gary AL9A
  > -----Original Message----- 
  > From: Dick-W0RAA
  > Sent: September 24, 2013 1:24 PM
  > To: Gary AL9A
  > Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Help with Bandmap
  > Thanks, Gary.  I'll take a closer look at the shortcuts you mentioned. 
I do
  > use the numerical keypad for Fn keys in contests.  Never thought about 
  > them the way you mention.  I'd still like to be able to click on a band 
  > call and jump to that freq.  Everything else related to CAT control 
  > fine.  Hope to see you in the contest.
  > Dick
  > My memory isn't as good as it used to be.
  > Also, my memory isn't as good as it used to be.
  > On Sep 24, 2013, at 2:18 PM, "Gary AL9A" <al9a at mtaonline.net> wrote:
  >> Dick,
  >> I can't think of any thing in WL that would keep you from jumping to 
  >> frequency of station in the Band Map with a double mouse click.  Even 
  >> latest release works ok.  Something else you might want to consider for
  >> Band Map stations is creating some keyboard shortcuts to jump up and 
  >> the Band Map by a key stroke rather than a mouse click.  Here are 4 I 
  >> setup for me.
  >> Ext_Divide --> EntryGotoNextMultDownBandmap (this is the divide key "/" 
  >> the numeric keypad)
  >> MULTIPLY --> EntryGotoNextMultUpBandmap (this is the multiply key "*" 
  >> the numeric keypad)
  >> SUBTRACT --> EntryGotoNextStnUpBandmap (this is the minus "-" key on 
  >> numeric keypad)
  >> PAUSE  --> EntryGotoNextStnDownBandmap (this is the Pause/Break key on 
  >> keyboard)
  >> With these four keyboard shortcut I can navigate up and down the Band 
  >> to the next mult or the next good call much quicker than with a double
  >> mouse click, especially when the Band Map is heavily populated as it is
  >> sure to be in the CWWW.  Good luck.
  >> 73,
  >> Gary AL9A
  >> -----Original Message----- From: DickT-W0RAA
  >> Sent: September 24, 2013 9:11 AM
  >> To: Writelog Reflector
  >> Subject: [WriteLog] Help with Bandmap
  >> I rarely if ever operate with the Bandmap in a contest.  I am not able 
  >> click on a spotted call and have WL jump to the frequency in the 
  >> I have tried it in the past and it worked, but maybe with the new 
  >> just released is there a possibility of a possible glitch in WL?  I am
  >> running
  >> version 11.13J.  It has always worked before but not now.  Anybody able 
  >> help?  I'd appreciate it.
  >> Thanks & 73,
  >> Dick
  >> W0RAA
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