[WriteLog] WL/MK2 TX hang-up using MTTY

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Sun Dec 7 21:28:34 EST 2014

I have the same problem, but only when the K3 is FSK-keyed from a Rttyrite
window tied to the sub-receiver.  It is intermittent, failing to release PTT
about half the time, and behaves as though the %E is ignored in the message.
Hitting ESC will release PTT, but it is a pain to constantly be hitting ESC
throughout the contest.

I've never had this problem with a Rttyrite window tied to the main
receiver, but I can't figure out what the difference is.  In your case, I
guess it is the single Rttyrite window linked to the main receiver.

I do not use a microKeyer, just simple homebrew FSK/PTT Com port cables.

I suspect that whatever the cause, it may be common to both our cases.  It
"seems" to be in WriteLog, but not sure.



Eric W3DQ wrote:

My station is a Microkeyer 2 and an Orion 565.

My plan was to use MTTY as my RTTY engine w/WL for today's 10m RTTY 

I was able to receive well, but on TX it wouldn't stop (unkey) after the 
message was sent.

Not sure what went wrong, as it worked with the same settings with N1MM.

I would guess that it's something to do with the PTT and/or keying line, 
but beyond that, I haven't a clue.

Any thoughts?

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