[WriteLog] Enter Not sending

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Wed Dec 10 23:22:44 EST 2014

1.  In the [Configuration] section of your writelog.ini file what is the
number in line: SendCallExchangeKey=5?

2.  What is the message in Fn, where n is the number in 1. above?



Bob W0GXA wrote:

I have enter sends QRZ checked in the drop down menu but when I try to use
it it will only do two things...  Send CQ and send TU.  If I press it in the
callsign field with a call entered, it doesn't send anything.

The .ini file doesn't get changed contest to contest does it?  I just used
this fine for CQWW CW and now I'm setting up for ARRL 10m.

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