[WriteLog] CW/RTTY/SSB Messages.......a request

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Sun Dec 28 00:35:20 EST 2014

The following comment doesn't directly address your concern, but it
describes how I avoid this issue.

I save each contest in its own folder along with any other files pertaining
to that contest, like a 3830 writeup, a custom prefill file, the
ADIF/Cabrillo/TQSL files, etc.  When I open WriteLog for a new contest, I
import the messages from the last (similar or identical) contest by browsing
to the *.wl file of the prior contest.  Obviously, I don't import messages
from a contest with a different mode.  Over time, though, I have a rich
enough archive of old contests, such that I usually have the exact contest
from which I can import messages.  Thus, I never run into the problem of
messages being for the wrong mode.  More important the messages are already
customized for the current contest.

For example, when I operated as W1AW/6 on RTTY, I imported from one of my
prior basic RTTY contest *.wl files, made some minor adjustments to my
messages and was ready to go.  I have evolved to specific Fn messages being
the same function, e.g., CQ, Run Exchange, S&P exchange, QRV, individual
exchange elements, requests for individual exchange element fills, QRZ, etc.
So, customizing for the current contest is quick and easy. 



Jim AD1C wrote:
I would be happy if WriteLog would just ignore the RTTY-specific
macros in the CW/SSB/Digi memories (like Tx and Rx).  It would make
switching between CW and RTTY so much easier.  It was a pain when I
was operating as W1AW/0 earlier this year.

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