[WriteLog] split feature request

Dean St. Hill dmsthill at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 09:51:45 EST 2014

Hi George

I think even the newest versions of Writelog function in a similar manner.

haven't really used dxpedition mode at its optimim but I'm thinking it's
really for the dx side of the dxpedition in which case you set up your
split and you're tuning with the main dial (most likely) if say you're
listening 5-10KHz up. I don't think a dxpedition is likely to want to click
on a spot.

if you're working the dx I do agree that it might be an issue. However I do
not use writelog as my general logger. In my general logger it will
establish the split (as spotted) - the problem is not everyone spots with
the correct qsx - some pieces of software seem to add it as a note.

Even with writelog - I just confirmed that my 11.4B version does not
provide the split data (to my FT950) so I have to hit a couple buttons to
establish my TX frequency. In any event I would normally listen first to
establish where the dx is listening. The spot may say worked 7.5KHz up but
if the dx is listening 5-15 up it could be a looong time before he's
listening at 7.5 up again - so clicking and establishing the split as last
worked would be of little use if the objective is to work the dx quickly.

Bottomline - some basic operator skill and savvy is required no matter how
good the loggers are. Writelog does a great job of handling the logistics
of logging contest and dxpedition Q's. It sucks at most other things and
that's fine.

YMMV - just my view from 14 degrees north.

regards and HNY

Dean - 8P6SH


s of the myriad pieces of software being used.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 10:49 PM, George BALINT <qrp.ben at rogers.com> wrote:

>  Gentleman, I am using 10.62H, (it is a bit old, I know). The radio is an
> FT1000MP +QS1R.When I click on a callsign in the band-map, VFO-A tunes to
> the station's frequency and the radio goes off from split, even if it was
> set up for split operation before. That is fine for contesting - the
> primary purpose of Writelog.But if I am running a dxpedition pileup, I have
> to push the VFO-B TX button on the radio, to get back to split. In a big
> pileup this is slowing down the operation, not fun.It would be a nice
> feature, to have an option in dxpedition logging, which lives the radio in
> split, when clicking on the band map. If this option is already available
> in the new version 11 or in a third party add-on, please let me know.
> 73's, George VE3NZ
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*Dean St.Hill*

*Counterpoint Communications Inc*
*17 Ocean City*


*dmsthill at gmail.com <dmsthill at gmail.com>*

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