[WriteLog] BandUpRetainCall -- BandDownRetainCall

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Tue Dec 30 22:30:26 EST 2014

I've never used these functions before, but just tried them in 11.24d (Beta)
and they don't work there either.  Do you know what WriteLog version they
did work for you?

Ed W0YK 


Mike N1JEZ wrote:

I'm trying to get BandUpRetainCall and BandDownRetainCall to work. In the
past I've used the open/closed brackets keys. I've defined these in W/L
11.23, but they don't want to work.... I use these all the time in the
upcoming VHF contest to move people up the bands.

Running W/L 11.23L, Win7 Pro.

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