[WriteLog] NAQP prefill contest exchange file

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Wed Jan 8 16:56:51 EST 2014

I’ve just downloaded the NAQP History files from the AZ Outlaws web site for both the CW and SSB contests.  The SSB version is considerably larger than the CW version, so I decided to combine the two files into a single file and then eliminate the duplicate calls.  That way if  a CW op decides to also work the SSB contest he will be in the file.  Ditto for a SSB op who finally decides it’s time to give CW a go.  I then converted this combined file into a WriteLog prefill file by adding the necessary filed names and then did another append of the previous history file I created last year.  So the new combined NAQP CW-SSB history file now contains 3,832 unique calls, most of them US/VE calls, with a small scattering of other NA stations.

The new history file can be downloaded at the following link:


For those unfamiliar with how to use a WL prefill file follow the steps below.

  1.. Download the adi file above and store it on your PC.  The location doesn’t matter, it can be in Downloads, Documents, WriteLog Program Files, etc.  Just remember where you placed the file.
  2.. Start WL with the correct contest module and click on Tools/Preset Exchange from ADI file...
  3.. An Explorer window will open for you to navigate to the location where you placed the file you downloaded.  Click on the prefill file name and another small window will open with the field names for this contest module highlighted in blue.  In this case the field names are NAME, QTH, COUTNRY and C.  Deselect COUNTRY and C as the only fields you will need are NAME and QTH.  Then click on OK.
  4.. A progress bar graph will now display on screen showing you the prefill file is being loaded into WL memory.  At the end of the loading it will show you the count of how many records were loaded.
  5.. You are now ready to operate the contest normally.  I would recommend you now click on Setup/Save Configuration.  If you should shut down WL during the contest to take a break and then restart it, the prefill file will now auto load for you until you uncheck the option at Tools/Preset Exchange from ADI file....
When you type in a CALL and space to the next field the prefill file will automatically fill in the NAME and QTH info for you if the call is in the file.  As always be sure verify the prefill info with what you copy over the air.  NAQP contests are famous for participants using different names from time to time and there is always the possibility someone may now be in a different state. 

Gary AL9A

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