[WriteLog] Feature requests

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 19:39:15 EDT 2014

hi Darren - A couple things...

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Darren Collins (G0TSM) <daz at g0tsm.com>

> 5) For RTTY I prefer to use the mouse to click on a decoded highlighted
> call and then click on buttons to send the messages. I don't think I can do
> this at the moment using MMTTY/MMVARI. I have to click on a call and click
> on the call entry window to be able to use the F keys.

There is a problem. When I click on a call in the MMTTY window (you are
doing this as a RTTYwrite window, and not running MMTTY stand alone,
right?) the cursor does stay in the entry window and the F keys work fine.

If you are running MMTTY stand alone then I don't know how that would work.

> (although calls do not always highlight so I have to manually type some of
> them into the call entry window). Also you can't right-click on a string
> and grab that as a call.

I think you can go into the INI file and clear out the menu entries for
right click and get it down to one item. Then a right click will just do
whatever you left there. I know some people will do that to push a call on
to the call stack.

> 7) Allow separate messages for RTTY in the CW/RTTY/SSB Memories. Yes you
> can if you use the shift button but try pressing that down for a few hours
> at a time. When I was going back to CW I was pressing the wrong keys...
> This would be one fabulous improvement. The best reason is that the
default messages could be set up to show best practices for RTTY messages
with spaces and %r in all the right places. Your reason is good too. ;)

> Well, if you don't ask, you'll never get...
Roger that! 73 jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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