[WriteLog] CQWW Multi-Single with One Chair
Dean St. Hill
dmsthill at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 17:25:07 EST 2014
OK I understand what you're saying however I would have to say that as a
fairly experienced SO2R op, a typical SO2R op is doing RUN on one station
and mults or extra Q's on the second radio to keep a rate up.
Most of the SO categories in contests have turned into RATE events. That is
the winners are basically racking up 8K plus QSO's in a week-end. The mults
basically take care of themselves - once you have a good signal and good
antenna coverage (stacked antennas to cover a wide range of incident
angles). Of course you also have to catch as many openings as possible.
As an example - I typically score higher as a SO - single or 2 radios
unassisted than I do Assisted because when I am running assisted I tend to
chase mults - many of which will find and work me anyway once i have a
clear frequency and good signal.
Serious M/S or M/2 stations are not necessarily changing bands 6 or 8 times
an hour because the rules allow them to. They are trying to keep a rate up
with the RUN station or with both RUN stations. Additionally the reason a
SO2R enterred as a M/S wouldn't be very competitive is because most M/S or
M/2 or even M/M are using 2 rigs per band in use with as many as four ops -
with all the necessary lock-outs to keep everything legal.
To me, SO2R gives a single operator everything he or she needs to succeed
and maximis a score as a single operator. I can't really see the benefit of
trying to go M/S unless (as I have done in some contests) I want to have
the benefit of spots and there is no "SO-assisted" category.
Have fun and as you said it's a hobby and once we're having fun that's the
iportant thing.
best regards and 73
Dean - 8P6SH
On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Alan Maenchen <ad6e at arrl.net> wrote:
> Hi Dean,
> Typical M/S requires that all contacts must be on the same band for some
> minimum time (typ 10min) or some maximum number of band changes per hour.
> That essentially disallows SO2R operation. Yet, a second operator can (in
> most cases) operate a mult radio in parallel with a run station. That, in
> my mind, is NOT a single station operation. A M/S should be a single
> station operated by one person at a time. The station may have more than
> one radio, but only one signal. I know that's debatable, and it's a more
> strict definition of M/S.
> As the administrator of CQP at the time, we changed the rule to allow SO2R
> in a M/S category. The CQP rule is that you are allowed as many band
> changes per hour as you need. BUT only ONE operator may operate the station
> during any 10 minute period. A second station hunting mults is not allowed.
> That is, there is only ONE chair and once an operator change occurs, that
> operator must stay in the chair at least 10 minutes. No one else can
> transmit.
> The main objection to this rule is that it cannot be confirmed easily just
> by looking at the log.
> That's true, but then there are many other rules we take as standard that
> also cannot be confirmed just by looking at the log. We trust the
> operator's integrity in these regards. This is, after all, a hobby. While
> cheating can occur, it can also occur in many other contesting facets that
> we all take for granted. So far, there has not been a cheating problem.
> 73, Alan AD6E / KH6TU
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 8:13 PM, Dean St. Hill <dmsthill at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Alan
>> Could you be a bit more explanatory.
>> I don't really see the logic of entering M/S as a SO2R. Working SO2R
>> gives you the best of all worlds. As far as I am aware (at least in CQWW)
>> SO2R is pretty much limitless and has no bandchange rules.
>> M/S for a single op would have some practical limits but would allow you
>> to have more than one signal on the air at a time (on the mult band you
>> could TX at the same time as the run radio). It would also allow for
>> assistance presumably from the clusters.
>> Also to my best knowledge there are significant differences between M/S
>> for ARRL and CQWW contests generally.
>> Dean - 8P6SH
>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Alan Maenchen <ad6e at arrl.net> wrote:
>>> Sounds like CQ (and ARRL) should adopt the M/S rule that has worked so
>>> well
>>> in CQP for many years now:
>>> The 10 min rule applies to the person sitting in the chair (ONE chair!)
>>> ..
>>> not the logged band. This allows M/S with an SO2R station. It's a LOT
>>> more
>>> fun.
>>> 73, Alan AD6E / KH6TU
>>> > Rick..
>>> > I do this exact thing.... 1 computer, one keyboard, two radios running
>>> > SO2R on RTTY. (But I run SO2R Single operator). First suggestion, read,
>>> > read, and read more, then configure and test, configure and test and
>>> > configure and test.
>>> >
>>> > If you don?t take/make the time to figure it out, and now how it
>>> works,
>>> > you wont be able to fix it when it doesn't work. It?s like anything
>>> else,
>>> > it?s a learning curve.
>>> >
>>> > A days of reading and note taking, and searching with Google will get
>>> you
>>> > rally close.
>>> >
>>> > In multi op, it?s better to use 2 separate computers because a second
>>> op
>>> > can work mults on another band. A second op position is a necessity so
>>> they
>>> > can just sit and DIG for mults.
>>> >
>>> > lots of info here: http://www.cqww.com/rules_faq.htm
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 73
>>> > Jim W7RY
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > From: mailto:N1MMLoggerplus at yahoogroups.com
>>> > Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 9:59 AM
>>> > To: N1MMLoggerplus at yahoogroups.com
>>> > Subject: [N1MMLoggerplus] CQWW Multi-Single with One Chair
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > As a newbie to N1MM (either flavor), I'm seeking advice on how to
>>> > configure Plus for a multi-op with one chair in front of an SO2R
>>> station
>>> > with one computer - just a few ops sharing a capable, single-position
>>> > station. The program seems to understand two networked stations, one
>>> > designated Run and the other designated Mult, but my station isn't set
>>> up
>>> > that way. At issue is tracking the 10-minute rule which, in our case,
>>> needs
>>> > to be per-radio instead of per-computer. Any suggestions?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> >
>>> > /Rick N6XI
>>> >
>>> >
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>> --
>> *Dean St.Hill*
>> *Counterpoint Communications Inc*
>> *17 Ocean City*
>> *St.Philip*
>> *Barbados*
>> *246-825-2039 <246-825-2039>*
>> *246-416-5277 <246-416-5277>*
>> *dmsthill at gmail.com <dmsthill at gmail.com>*
*Dean St.Hill*
*Counterpoint Communications Inc*
*17 Ocean City*
*dmsthill at gmail.com <dmsthill at gmail.com>*
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