[WriteLog] Writelog Sound Error

Wayne, W5XD w5xd at writelog.com
Fri Aug 14 20:13:50 EDT 2015

> "Writelog Sound Error on echo microphone
> Capture thread exception: no common format available"
The above message has to do with the writelog.ini settings that are
controlled from the Start Menu application
"Sound board mixer control". Run that application and press the Test
button and it should give you a little more information about what it
thinks is wrong.

 The problem behind that message is has to do with the fact that, fully
configured with that Sound board mixer control, WriteLog routes digital
audio among a number of different sound boards on your PC. But it
supports only a limited number of sample rate conversions. For most
modern hardware, you can use the Windows "Playback Devices" and
"Recording Devices" control to select
Advanced/sample-rate-and-bit-depth-running-shared-mode and arrange for
all of them set to either 48000 or 44100. (WriteLog can accomplish small
integral multiples or factors of these as well.)

I wrote a LOT more about what is happening here:

But there exist hardware/driver combinations that support only 48000 (or
multiples) or only 44100 (or multiples) in which case you must choose
which ones you want to use in Sound board mixer control and remove the
ones that cannot match.

Again, press that Test button and you should get a much more detailed
explanation from the software about what it doesn't like about your

Failing that, go into WriteLog's Setup/Sound Board options... and turn
OFF the "Echo Microphone" option.


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