[WriteLog] WAE QTC from DVK help

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Fri Aug 21 17:49:25 EDT 2015


I operate the WAE SSB QTC exchange a bit differently than Randy.  I do use 
the DVK to send each QTC, but send each one individually either by clicking 
on one in  turn, or using a number key to specify the next one, or just 
pressing the UP or DWN arrow key.  What I try to avoid is clicking on the 
Xmit QTCs button as this activates the DVK to send all the QTCs non-stop 
from first to last.  I prefer to send them one at a time, as in CW, and get 
an acknowledgement that it is ok at his end before sending the next one.  If 
he should ask for a fill then I use my voice and mic to send the portion he 

Using the DVK helps a lot in this contest where there is a lot information 
to exchange.  However usage must take into account band conditions at the 
moment.  From your QTH into EU using the DVK would probably work most 
anytime.  From my QTH though I must be certain that there is good 
propagation over the pole before attempting to use DVK as it is just asking 
for problems with a weak polar path.

Gary AL9A

-----Original Message----- 
From: Bob Henderson
Sent: August 21, 2015 10:45 AM
To: k5zd at charter.net
Cc: [WriteLog]
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] WAE QTC from DVK help


Much thanks.  That does it, though entering "Use of DVK for QTCs" into help
search doesn't reveal anything here.

I will now work at tailoring my .wav files and give this a go.  I am orally
challenged in that if I rely upon the microphone my throat will be sore
before I have finished my first 10 QTCs.  With this facility I may sound a
little mechanical but should be able to last a bit longer.

Thanks again.

I appreciate your help.

73 Bob, 5B4AGN

On 21 August 2015 at 18:35, Randy Thompson K5ZD <k5zd at charter.net> wrote:

> It can be done.
> From the help:
> "Use of a DVK for QTCs
> WriteLog is able to sound out your QTC transmission on the sound board 
> DVK.
> You can turn this feature on using the Contest Parameter Setup menu."
> You wouldn't normally expect to use the Contest Parameter dialog to turn 
> on
> the DVK, but I think they did this because it is a way to set it
> specifically for QTCs.  I usually leave this off and read the QTCs by
> voice.
> Then as I click on each one, it is marked as sent without trying to send
> recorded audio.
> Randy K5ZD
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: WriteLog [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bob
> > Henderson
> > Sent: Friday, August 21, 2015 3:48 PM
> > To: [WriteLog]
> > Subject: [WriteLog] WAE QTC from DVK help
> >
> > I've been a long time with WL but I'm a novice with DVK as I mostly
> > operate CW.
> >
> > Trying to spread my wings a little, I have enjoyed some success in
> > setting up sound board DVK to do pretty much what I want, albeit my .wav
> > files might be a bit better given time.
> >
> > I am now playing with the WAE module thinking I might dabble in the SSB
> > event but I am struggling.  I loaded a few dummy Qs then opened the QTC
> > window with Alt+S
> >
> > I click on the QRV button and it sends the group number just fine.
> >
> > If I then click on a QSO line no audio is output but the Q is marked
> > sent.
> > In CW clicking on the qso line would see the associated QTC sent.
> >
> > I've skipped a beat somewhere but I'm struggling to figure out what I'm
> > doing wrong.  How do I get the DVK to articulate the QTCs using my .wav
> > files?
> >
> > Help please.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Bob, 5B4AGN
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