[WriteLog] PTT Issues with RTTY

Richard Thorne rthorne at rthorne.net
Sat Dec 19 07:08:17 EST 2015

I've been working through a PTT problem with Writelog/MMTTY.  I'm 
running the following configuration:

Writelog 11.32D
MMTTY 1.68a
Microham MK2R+ SO2R controller
Pair of K3's.

When I select XMMT as the TU type I get a 1 to 2 second delay before the 
rig goes back to receive.  When I send the same canned message a 2nd 
time, say F11 to CQ, the PTT prematurely stops, however,  I can see that 
writelog is finishing the message. The PTT indicator/LED on the MK2R+ 
stops but the CW/FSK indicator/LED is still flashing until the message 
is complete.

If I change the TU type to MMTTY everything works as it should.

I've gone through all of the setup procedures that I can find but I 
can't seem to find the setting to correct the problem.

My understanding (or miss understanding) is that XMMT is the preferred 
TU over MMTTY.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Rich - N5ZC

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