[WriteLog] Correct Directory

Marsh Stewart marsh at ka5m.net
Thu Dec 24 08:33:31 EST 2015

WriteLog will run just fine under Win 7. This is not an OS problem.

Are you signed on to Win 7 with a User Account with Administrator
privileges? If not, edit the User Account you are using to add Administrator

Can you see "hidden" files like C:\ProgramData? If not:


Start Control Panel

Click on something like File Explorer Options or Folder Options

Click on View

Under Files and Folders - Left click on Show full path in title bar (there
should be a check mark in the box)

Left click on Show hidden files, folders, and drives (there should be a
black dot in the circle)

At the bottom be sure to click on Apply

Now you should be able to see C:\ProgramData\WriteLog

During install WriteLog will put everything where it should be – unless you
are telling it specifically during install to put files somewhere else. I do
not understand why anyone would want to do that, but apparently some users

WriteLog is a 32-bit program. So the WriteLog program files go in C:\Program
Files (x86)

WriteLog's data files go in C:\ProgramData\WriteLog

The files that WriteLog creates during a contest go in

You do not need to worry about any of this. WriteLog will install files
where they should be.

The .ini file that WriteLog uses is in
There is also a writelog.ini file in C:\Windows 
Don't get bogged down on why and where writelog.ini is. You can read, edit,
save, and make copies of the writelog.ini file that WriteLog uses by running
the Edit WriteLog.ini tool that installs along with WriteLog. Start => All
apps => WriteLog V11 => Edit WriteLog.ini

All of your configuration settings are stored in writelog.ini. You can make
a copy of it and save it somewhere safe and where you can find it again if
you need to - like an external hard drive. 

Good luck with all of this. I hope something in there somewhere helps.

Marsh, KA5M

From: Bob Garrett [mailto:rgarrett5 at comcast.net] 
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2015 5:11 AM
To: 'Marsh Stewart'; 'WriteLog'
Subject: RE: [WriteLog] Correct Directory

Thanks to everyone who replied.  I definitely have an installation directory
issue going on. 

How do I resolve this?  I have lots of contest results that I don’t want to
loose and of course, current configuration is very important.  Is all of the
config detail in the .ini file?  If yes, can I save the .ini file and write
over the default file in WriteLog?  Finally, if yes, where is the .ini file
stored?  Thanks and 73, Bob K3UL

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