[WriteLog] Using K3 KIO3B USB with Writelog

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Dec 25 11:56:48 EST 2015

On Fri,12/25/2015 6:39 AM, Ed Muns wrote:
> No splitters or isolation transformers are needed.  That is the whole point
> of the KIO3B.

WRONG! The need for isolation transformers is a total fallacy. No 
isolation transformers are needed with ANY radio if proper, simple 
chassis-to-chassis bonding of all interconnected equipment is done in 
the shack. It's easy and cheap -- all it takes is short lengths of 
plain, ordinary copper wire.

Study http://k9yc.com/GroundingAndAudio.pdf

The tutorial is a bit long because I have to bust the "ground loop" myths.

Otherwise, nothing wrong with Ed's detailed advice. EXCEPT -- Windows 
defines a COM port when you plug in a device that is new to it. It 
remembers that assignment as long as you plug the same device into the 
SAME USB PORT on the computer. But if you plug it into a DIFFERENT USB 
port, Windows will think it's a new device, and assign ANOTHER COM port 
to it. SO -- be careful to keep notes of which devices (rigs, mice, 
etc.) are plugged into which USB ports. It's real easy to end up with a 
mess if you don't!  Ask me how I know. :)

73, Jim K9YC

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