[WriteLog] ARRL DX CW Contest prefill exchange file

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Mon Feb 16 13:42:18 EST 2015

The link below will allow you to download an updated prefill exchange file 
for the ARRL DX CW contest next weekend.  The file contains 3,772 unique 
calls signs from logs submitted for the years 2010 through 2014.

Please note however that the calls contained within this file are US/VE 
calls only and contains only their respective states/provinces.  This means 
the file is ONLY for use by DX stations who will be contacting US/VE's in 
the contest and NOT for use by US/VE stations.  All US/VE stations will need 
the DX stations power level, which is not contained in this prefill file. 
Consequently it will not work for stations on the US/VE side.


If you need assistance in how configure WriteLog to use a prefill exchange 
file this link provides a short tutorial.


Gary AL9A 

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