[WriteLog] COMn_digital_offset_hz= -2125 Help

joeduerbusch k0bx at arrl.net
Mon Jan 5 15:46:16 EST 2015

Now that the RTTY Roundup is over, maybe some of the Flex-6xxx serial of
transceiver folks can help me with this.

I got a new Flex-6300 for Christmas, fine rig, but the people at Flex made
the DigL Mode with a center frequency of 1500HZ instead of the more popular
2125HZ for RTTY.

So I set the MMTTY Plug-in Wiitelog to low tones, 1445HZ with NET on.  Now
I can use the Narrow filters, so far so good.

But if I try to use the BANDMAP  or PACKET Spot windows to click on a
station, it sends me to the carrier frequency instead of the Mark tone of
the RTTY station I am trying to get.

So after reading the Writelog manual I found a INI file command that should
solve me problem in Writelog:

COM7_DIGITAL_OFFSET_HZ= -2125  Where COM7 is my CAT port and the offset is
-2125 which should put me right on the money?
Well clicking on a station does qsy me from the dial frequency to 2125
below it

Writelog  now shows  14080 and my Flex shows 14082.125

BUT for some reason the station I am clicking on is always about 700HZ
below Writelog Frequency?   Somewhere my math is off, either I have to
account for the 1500HZ Flex offset or the CW offset?

Any help would be appreciated.

Joe K0BX
Below is the paragraph from the Writelog manual:

*In some station setups for digital modes only, the rig reports TX/RX
frequencies offset from the center frequency of the on-the-air
transmission. (This is particularly likely in an AFSK setup.) The two INI
entries below cause WriteLog to offset the TX/RX frequencies it uses
compared to what the rig uses. With a second rig set to CW and listening to
your digital mode transmitted signal, its received frequency is the
on-the-air transmitted frequency. Note your transmitting rig's frequency
and subtract it from the on-the-air frequency. This result, including any
negative sign, becomes the COM_n_DIGITAL_OFFSET_HZ. WriteLog only applies
these offsets if the rig reports a digital mode, or if the LsbIsFsk is
option is set and the rig is in LSB mode. The n value corresponds to the
COM port number that is used to connect to the rig. *



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