[WriteLog] WriteLog 11.24 is now available!

Geoff Plucknett geoffg4fka at virginmedia.com
Thu Jan 15 15:33:04 EST 2015

Successful installation.

Geoff G4FKA

On 15 January 2015 at 18:34, Mike Seguin <n1jez at burlingtontelecom.net>

> Nice to see the BandsBandUpRetainCall BandsBandDownRetainCall keyboard
> shortcuts working again just in time for the VHF contest on 1/24-25. It
> saves a lot of typing when moving guys up the bands.
> Mike
> ---
> 73,
> Mike, N1JEZ
> "A closed mouth gathers no feet"
> On 2015-01-15 09:24, Steve Woodruff wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> WriteLog version 11.24 is a free upgrade for anyone who
>> has purchased the full version of WriteLog since Dec 2013.
>> This excludes the "Newbie" version, which does not
>> include any free upgrades.  If you are running an earlier
>> version, go here to purchase a new registration code:
>> http://writelog.com/ordering
>> WriteLog 11.24 includes the following new features/fixes:
>> * CTY conversion utility to ignore {} country override.
>> * WinKey initialization update and handling of paddle
>>   notification.
>> * Packet spot window redraw efficiency improvement.
>> * Support separate sound device per radio.
>> * Add dedicated Call Queue window for Push/Pop call to Queue
>> * Support continuous recording in quadrature.
>> * Fix BandsBandUpRetainCall keyboard shortcut and
>>   BandsBandDownRetainCall
>> * Separate F-key memories RTTY from CW
>> * Automation methods GetFKeyMsgDigital,GetFKeyMsgVoice,
>>   GetFKeyMsgCw and their “Set” equivalents are all changed
>>   to now comply with their documentation (which is unchanged).
>>   Any 3rd party software that worked around the bugs in
>>   prior versions will no longer work with Writelog in the
>>   same way as before.
>> * Disable use of internet cache for various http file downloads.
>> The latest software can be downloaded here:
>> http://writelog.com/downloads/writelog-versions
>> Thanks,
>> Steve N9OH & Wayne W5XD
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>> WriteLog mailing list
>> WriteLog at contesting.com
>> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/writelog
>> WriteLog on the web:  http://www.writelog.com/
> _______________________________________________
> WriteLog mailing list
> WriteLog at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/writelog
> WriteLog on the web:  http://www.writelog.com/

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