[WriteLog] Support for new Sprint?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Jan 29 14:20:05 EST 2015

On Thu,1/29/2015 7:58 AM, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
>   Writelog will work as-is (accept the QTH) with the new NA SSB Sprint
> contest. However, it will not calculate the scores correctly. The Cabrillo
> generated by the program will include what you enter... the new (i.e.,
> correct) QTH.
> To correct the scoring, you need to modify the namedmult.ini file. With
> guidance from Wayne, I've done that and it works.

The good news is that contest sponsors compute scores from the Cabrillo, 
not from what we enter. So as along as WriteLog records what we copy for 
the exchange and puts in the Cabrillo, it works for submittal.

73, Jim K9YC

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