[WriteLog] SSB Sprint: Thank You Wayne!

Eric Rosenberg ericrosenberg.dc at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 23:30:38 EST 2015

Thank you Wayne for your guidance in editing the namedmult.ini file for
this contest on such short notice (2 days)

As WL already accepted the mult as typed, only the scoring and mults screen
was impacted. But that was not an issue as the Cabrillo was fine as is, and
it is the sponsor's job to tally the score.

Changing the multnamedmult.inifile corrected the mults screen. That it
didn't include HI was not an issue for me.. I didn't work any!

Again, thanks Wayne for your quick response. Those of us in DC and eastern
Canada appreciate being "seen" in WL once again.

73, Eric W3DQ
Washington, DC

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