[WriteLog] New 2Tone version 15.03a

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 16:37:06 EDT 2015

On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 1:19 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV <lists at subich.com> wrote:

> 2Tone has traditionally not held the serial port open when it is not
> transmitting.  I do not have either TinyFSK or the K8UT code but it
> would seem to me that one could configure both instances of 2Tone to
> use the same serial port for transmit (no transmit port in RTTYrite).

I forgot about that, though I seem to recall there were some oddities if
you tried to do that (maybe it was a thread on the RTTY reflector? I'll see
if I can find it.) - but I will try it first chance I get - thanks!! - jeff

Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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