[WriteLog] Split RTTY with Flex 6300 and WLFlex Driver

Wayne, W5XD w5xd at writelog.com
Thu Feb 11 13:59:27 EST 2016

> But now Flex has come out with a new version of the software V1.6.xx and
> has changed the way DAX works and WLFlex Driver doesn't work with it.  With
> this weekend WPX I do not want to upgrade.  But has anyone gotten this to
> work?
"doesn't work with it" is a little too strong a statement. It doesn't
work the way it did with SmartSDR 1.5. But SmartSDR 1.6 has some
improvements you probably want to use.

The SmartSDR 1.6.xx from Flex added some capability that probably
obsoletes the DAX replacement in the WriteLog Flex Drive. I say
"probably" because I haven't had time to do the detailed performance
measurements required to check the latency.  But I can tell just by
looking at the new Flex DAX control panel that they redesigned it such
that RTTY split mode AFSK should work just fine with the 1.6.xx DAX
Control panel while WriteLog's DAX replacement is simply turned OFF.
Here is what I recommend:

1. In WriteLog, turn OFF its DAX Audio settings. Specifically, right
click its Front Panel, and turn OFF all 4 settings under RX Audio DAX
and TX Audio DAX. (This recommendation is opposite of what I recommend
for SmartSDR V1.5) This turns OFF WriteLog replacement DAX
feature--which doesn't work with SmartSDR 1.6 anyway.
2. Run the SmartSDR version 1.6 DAX Control panel. (This is the opposite
of what I recommend for SmartSDR version 1.5--in the old version, I
recommend leaving their DAX Control panel off.)
3. In the SmartSDR DAX control panel, turn ON the TX stream, and as many
of the RX streams as you are going to use.

Notice that with SmartSDR 1.6, the Windows audio device for your AFSK
output is now named "DAX Audio TX" and it has no channel number now.

When I get around to measuring the latency using the SmartSDR 1.6 DAX
Control panel, I will decide whether to upgrade the WriteLog Flex driver
to comply with their v1.6 API and replace their DAX with WL's lower
latency version. Or (I hope!) instead simply recommend to Flex +
WriteLog users not to use the WriteLog DAX for RX and TX.

Note that the IQ channel is different! I recommend you leave it ON in
WriteLog regardless of SmartSDR version, and you'll get your spectrum
displayed on your Band Maps.


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