[WriteLog] RTTY problem

Rob K6RB k6rb at baymoon.com
Sat Feb 13 18:38:44 EST 2016

I am having a problem with WriteLog in RTTY mode. I have it set with AFC and ATC unchecked yet whenever I hit the “enter” key to log a QSO, the AFC gets invoked. I literally have to cursor down during my confirmation message, after having logged the QSO, and click on the AFC button then quickly go back up to the entry window and put the cursor in the call field and click. How do I get it to stop invoking AFC every time I log a QSO?

Before I noticed what was going on, I would have a lot of trouble decoding responses because the Mark frequency would shift from 915 up and down during RX. By doing what I’ve been doing, I’m getting more consistent decoding but I’m way busier than I need to be with the touch pad.

Rob K6RB

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