[WriteLog] Fw: New Super Check Partial files available (VER20160102)(02

Marsh Stewart marsh at ka5m.net
Mon Jan 4 11:06:41 EST 2016

Whatever works best for you. I just prefer to have all of the WL “data” files in one place – C:\ProgramData\WriteLog

I just manually updated the .DTA files and all of the “country files” (all 26 .dat, bin, and .txt files, plus the old folder), and then ran convert. (VERSION now = Willis Island) Quick, easy, and intuitive. Works every time.

Marsh, KA5M

From: Ed Muns [mailto:ed at w0yk.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2016 9:35 AM
To: Marsh Stewart <marsh at ka5m.net>
Cc: WriteLog <writelog at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Fw: New Super Check Partial files available (VER20160102)(02

The SCP files can be stored anywhere.  In the WriteLog Setup/SCP window you can specify any arbitrary location.  My person preference is to store the SCP file in each unique contest directory that I set up.  That way I archive the exact SCP used with that contest.  Never had a need for using the archive, but its there.

I would gladly switch to C:\ProgramData\WriteLog if I could depend on the latest SCP being downloaded, like it works with cty.dat.  As long as Wayne is manually in the update loop, that is just not dependable.  (No criticism of Wayne, but that is a poor model for updates and I'd much rather he spend time enhancing WriteLog than doing mundane admin tasks like this.)  I wonder if Wayne and Stu K6TU can work out an automatic upload from the SCP website, as Wayne and Jim AC1C did for cty.dat?


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