[WriteLog] Using a second monitor issue

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 17:33:36 EST 2016

It's a known thing with Writelog. Rttyrite windows have to be on the
monitor for clicking them into the entry window. It's been reported here on
occasion. It's not a junior moment. ;)

In general I do prefer to have my clones in a bunch next to each other so I
can scan them all quickly.

73 jeff wk6i

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Phil Cooper <pcooper at guernsey.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> After many months (years?) of not plucking up the courage to activate
> XMMT.OCX, I finally got around to doing this last week while I was off
> work,
> ready for the Roundup.
> The reason was to allow me to use 2Tone in a cloned window, and once I read
> the instructions from Don AA5AU, I got it all configured and working a
> treat
> - apart from one small issue!
> I use 2 monitors in my shack, just for space to have enough windows open to
> see what I want.
> On the main window, I have the RTTYRite decoder window running MMTTY, so I
> opened a clone window for 2Tone, and put this on my second monitor.
> One of the points that Don made was that you could click on a call in
> window and it would populate the entry window.
> It didn't, but I was able to right-click on a highlighted call and select
> Enter on Bandmap. That worked, so that was how I continued in the contest
> last weekend.
> Last night, I emailed Don, asking where it was on his site that I saw the
> info that I could click on a call in the cloned window, and he pointed me
> to
> it, so I was puzzled.
> In one of those lightbulb moments, I just tried moving the cloned RTTYRote
> window to the main screen, and yes, I could click on a call and it
> populated
> the entry window.
> Is this an anomaly, or is there something I have missed elsewhere? Could be
> one of those "can't see the trees" moments, or a senior moment!
> Anyone else seeing the same, or is it me?
> 73 de Phil GU0SUP
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Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
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