[WriteLog] M2 mult station setup

Kostas SV1DPI sv1dpi at otenet.gr
Thu Jun 16 02:16:29 EDT 2016

On 15/6/2016 5:16 μμ, Stein-Roar Brobakken wrote:
>   Possible add 1-2 Support/Mult station
I think that the point is to define what station you have and you can 
change it. For example I have run1 as nr1 in the radio column and run2 
as nr2. If I could define the rest of the stations to be either nr1 or 
nr2 and not nr3, nr4, etc. plus to have the interlock works *only *with 
the same number station, should be ok for M2.

73 Kostas SV1DPI

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