[WriteLog] M2 mult station setup

Dean St. Hill dmsthill at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 17:20:47 EDT 2016


If you read the current CQWW Rules section IX General Rules no.7 says quite
clearly -

"Only one signal on a band is allowed at any time. When two or more
transmitters are present on the same band, a hardware device MUST be used
to prevent more than one signal at any one time. Alternating CQs on two or
more frequencies on a band is not permitted"

Originally many of the typical stations would have had a single transmitter
per band BUT in the last several years the strategies have evolved to the
point where I almost expect someone to come up with a device that manages
the words per transmited signal to allow two signals to interleave on a
single band - some kind of quasi TDMA switch.

So anyway the rules are quite clear.

73 - Dean 8P6SH/9P2K in the 'tests

*Dean St.Hill*

*Barbados.JustAskLocals.com <http://Barbados.JustAskLocals.com>*
*It's A Big World. Travel Smarter <http://barbados.justasklocals.com/>*

*17 Ocean City*


*dmsthill at gmail.com <dmsthill at gmail.com>*

On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 4:13 PM, halken <halken at comcast.net> wrote:

> It's helpful to be really clear on the rules. The rules do not say
> anything about interlocks.  The ARRL rules for M/2 say "no more than two
> signals transmitted simultaneously."  You can accomplish that with
> hardware, software or hand signals between the ops.  Interlocks, per se,
> are not required.
> 73
> Hal
> N4GG
> On 6/16/2016 1:54 PM, Dean St. Hill wrote:
>> I am not by any means an expert on this as I only do SO2R and have done
>> just one M2 in the early days before much of the current strategy was
>> formulated with multiple rigs per station.
>> I believe the rules require you to have a hardware lockout. In my case my
>> SO2R controller ensures that the two transmitters are never on air at the
>> same time.
>> With regard to M2 and the other MS and even MM the evolving strategies may
>> make it difficult for software solutions. When I add a third rig I know
>> WriteLog will support it BUT I will have to ensure that it is not on air
>> with any other transmitters etc. I couldn't expect WriteLog to mirror my
>> strategy of using 3 or 4 rigs.
>> So I do think that the issues of rig lockouts should be addressed in
>> hardware because the rules require that.
>> Just my 2 cents.
>> H
>> Regards Dean 8P2K
>> Dean St. Hill
>> Barbados.JustAskLocals.com
>> It's a big world. Travel smarter.
>> 246-416-5277
>> 246-825-2039 (mobile)
>> sent from my BLU smartphone
>> On Jun 16, 2016 2:16 AM, "Kostas SV1DPI" <sv1dpi at otenet.gr> wrote:
>> On 15/6/2016 5:16 μμ, Stein-Roar Brobakken wrote:
>>>    Possible add 1-2 Support/Mult station
>>>> I think that the point is to define what station you have and you can
>>> change it. For example I have run1 as nr1 in the radio column and run2 as
>>> nr2. If I could define the rest of the stations to be either nr1 or nr2
>>> and
>>> not nr3, nr4, etc. plus to have the interlock works *only *with the same
>>> number station, should be ok for M2.
>>> 73 Kostas SV1DPI
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