[WriteLog] FKeys utility release

Keith Regli keith at kregli.com
Sun May 22 20:32:20 EDT 2016

After solving a couple of additional problems, the FKeys utility is ready
for general use.

For those new to Writelog in the last ten years (last time I did an
update), this utility is used in conjunction with Writelog so you can use
buttons rather than function keys and menu clicks to perform various
Writelog functions.  It creates a small, configurable window with a bunch
of buttons.  The buttons can be labelled with meaningful names and can be
setup to perform one or a sequence of Writelog operations. The keystrokes
and menu clicks are fed into the Writelog command stream as if they had
been done in Writelog.  It's free and comes with a corresponding level of
support - when I can I'll try, but I'm getting old and rusty at writing

The primary purpose of this update is compatibility with Writelog V12.xx.
It also fixes a bug that prevents the command wizard from showing more than
100 menu commands.  I'd like to thank Nick, w4gkm; Ray, n6he and John, w8ul
for helping to make sure this got out.

One gotcha.  If you use an existing FKeys.ini file you should delete the
entry "menu139=32864|Radio/Antenna to this Azimuth". It is a duplicate
entry and running FKeys will fill in another menu entry in that spot.
Nothing terrible happens if you leave it.

A second gotcha.  In Windows 10 you may get a security warning since this
program doesn't have the necessary incantations.  You'll have to decide if
you trust it or not.

You can find more info and the download at:  http://www.kregli.com/fkeys.htm

Keith (K7KAR)

Keith Regli

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