[WriteLog] MMTTYPlugin for Writelog problem

joeduerbusch k0bx at arrl.net
Thu Nov 3 12:19:51 EDT 2016

Hi Wayne, nice to hear from you.
This not a big deal, I am just an old RTTY'er who likes to see/hear the
characters go out together, like with my Model28ASR.

My feedback was why the MMTTYPlugin throw the error message, "Can't find
Writelog"?  To me this would seem to be a "PATH" error..  It would be nice
to trace back the error message to the source code and find the logic
behind it.

I just did a test this morning, using MMTTY.ocx I sent my call twice "K0BX
'K0BX".  Each time I sent my call, the text showed up on the screen before
the 1st character was sent.
Then I switch to the Plugin MMTTY, I sent the same text, this time, they
were transmitted at the same time, both the screen and the transmitted
output was in-sync.

This is just what is happening.  This is not a complaint, just a bit of

l having been using WL since you showed me the addltion of RttyRite to WL
at Dayton in the RTTY Hospitality Room.(late 90').

73 Joe K0BX

#1 Honor Roll Mixed
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Honor Roll RTTY
Honor Roll 20 Meters
5BDXCC Plus 30,17,12

On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 10:21 PM, Wayne <support at writelog.com> wrote:

> The only way to run MMTTY with WriteLog that we, the WriteLog team,
> support is to use the xmmt.ocx, not the SM6SRW plugin. While I read and
> understand Joe's statement that the echo of transmit characters to the
> RttyRite screen is better/different with the old plugin, I do not see
> such behavior in my own tests.
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