[WriteLog] Strange Behavior

Thom ki8w at ki8w.com
Mon Nov 7 13:56:12 EST 2016

I am thinking that RTTY is no longer good for me.  I have had so many 
problems and I have managed to piss off more then a few.

I just left the RTTY list and now I am dumping this one as well.

take care all.

On 11/7/2016 08:46, Richard S. Leary wrote:
> Thom,
> Check all messages and insure there is no "hidden space" after the %e.
> Rick, W7LKG
> -----Original Message-----
> From: WriteLog [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Thom
> Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2016 14:00
> To: writelog at contesting.com
> Subject: [WriteLog] Strange Behavior
> Just finished setting up my messages in Writelog for next weeks WAE RTTY
> contest.
> When I test them with my radio connected to a dummy load and set to 10 watts
> I notice that sometimes the transmitting message stops briefly then starts
> up again.  The mark tone is always on.
> Also sometimes after the message transmission is finished the mark tone
> remains on for about 10 sec.
> This is not normal and I have no idea what the cause is or how to fix it.
> Here are my messages...
> 2. %R CQ WAE DE KI8W KI8W CQ  %E
> 3. %R QRZ WAE DE KI8W  %E
> 4. %R %D 599 - 599 %3 DE KI8W K  %E
> 5. %R QSL TU %D QRZ DE KI8W  %E
> 6. %R RST?  %E
> 7. %R NR?  %E
> 8. %R 599-599  %E
> 9. %R %3 %3  %E
> 10. %R DE KI8W KI8W KI8W  %E
> I also get this message...  RTTY Memory %E not at end of message. Do you
> really want that?  Yes/NO
> I checked I have no stray %E in any of my messages.
> --
> 73
> Thom KI8W
> "Living deep in the black hole of RF"
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Thom KI8W

"Living deep in the black hole of RF"

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