[WriteLog] WriteLog and Elecraft KDVR3

Dean St. Hill dmsthill at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 13:14:04 EST 2016

I am contemplating a possible and highly likely upgrade to a couple K3's
over the next year or so. However on the time I have used Write log going
back to 1999, I have changed rigs many times.

I have always concluded that it was easiest and probably best to utilise
write logs voice keyer compared to the many brands of rigs I have had with
voice keyer also.

I am therefore asking if there is a particular benefit to utilising the
k3's voice keyer as compared to writelog's.

Specifically is it better quality audio, easier to setup, easier to use
during a contest etc. I am asking largely for my own understanding as I had
certainly intended to buy the K3 without DVR as I am very comfortable with
the utility of writelog's built-in solution.


Dean 8P6SH / 8P2K

Sent from my BLU Vivo XL

On Nov 25, 2016 2:53 PM, "Mike Heideman" <mike_heideman at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Alan Maenchen, AD6E, wrote:
> > Wow!  That's great Mike. Thanks!
> > It solves a couple of problems I've been having.
> >
> > Aloha,  Alan  AD6E / KH6TU
> Thanks, Alan. Here are some further thoughts on using the DVR with
> WriteLog.
> The second bank of messages could be used in a multi-op arrangement
> with two operators. By setting up a key to toggle between the two
> message banks each operator could save a personal set of 4 messages
> that don't need to be rerecorded every time there is an operator change.
> For instance, this could be added to the set of keys from my earlier post.
> Add the following line to the [Elecraft_K3_Commands] section of
> writelog.ini:
> Macro_18=SWH37;
> Put the macro in an SSB message such as:
> F5  %GK18
> Add a keyboard shortcut:
> F05 = RigKbdCommand(18)
> Hitting F5 would then toggle between the two sets of messages. Using
> AutoHotKey it should be possible to have a single key both switch the
> message banks and also perform the Entry/Change Operators.
> The K3 commands include a way to determine the DVR's active message
> bank. Sending the ICa command returns a byte with bit B3 indicating Bank
> 1 (0) or Bank 2 (1). If it were possible to access this bit from within
> WriteLog then there might be a way for all 8 messages to be assigned to
> different keys. The IC command is documented in Table 4 of the K3&KX3
> Programmer's Reference.
> http://www.elecraft.com/manual/K3&KX3%20Pgmrs%20Ref,%20E11.pdf
> My comment about setting up CW messages for mixed-mode contests
> using the K3 CW message memories is only necessary when the keys have
> been remapped using Keyboard Shortcuts. I only recently realized that it
> isn't necessary to do the Keyboard Shortcuts so this is totally
> unnecessary.  If you're using RTS/DTR or parallel port keying and having
> problems with RFI-induced stutter then I could imagine setting up
> Keyboard Shortcuts to get the K3 to flawlessly send any CW messages
> that don't include variable content such as a %C callsign or serial number.
> I tried dueling CQs and realized that WriteLog does not know when either
> K3 has finished transmitting so it can't determine when to initiate the CQ
> on the next K3. The K3 command set includes a TQ command that
> responds with TQ0; (receive mode) or TQ1; (transmit mode) which could
> be used to poll the other K3 while waiting to send the next CQ of a Timed
> CQ sequence. This would require that WriteLog either have more
> K3-specific logic/commands built in or perhaps that TX polling command
> and response definitions could be user-defined in writelog.ini to provide
> a general capability that also works on other radios with internal DVKs.
> 73,
> -Mike, N7MH
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