[WriteLog] Setting up Writelog with MMTTY

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Thu Oct 6 13:52:35 EDT 2016

I just went though the whole Writelog / MTTY- 2Tone installation on two
computers days before the CQWW RTTY contest.  AA5AU has all of the
download links and set up instructions complete with screen shots on his
website. The installation could not have been easier and I could not
imagine doing this without Don's excellent site -
http://www.rttycontesting.com . The software worked flawlessly duing the
contest. Thank you Don!

John KK9A - W4AAA

To:	writelog at contesting.com
Subject:	Re: [WriteLog] Setting up Writelog with MMTTY
From:	"Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists at subich.com>
Date:	Wed, 5 Oct 2016 15:45:27 -0400

XMMT.ocx *is* the new interface for MMTTY.

AA5AU's web site has all the information you will need to set-up the
XMMT.ocx interface:



   ... Joe, W4TV

On 10/5/2016 11:59 AM, Thom wrote:
Howdy all,

Spent the last couple of days completely rebuilding this laptop to fix
an issue that would not allow my Signalink USB to transmit properly.
That is now all fixed.

I have MMTTY all setup and doing fine.

Been working with Writelog this morning after getting it re-installed.
Now I have a issue I am hoping you all can help me with.

I want to use MMTTY with my Writelog for RTTY contesting.  I have been
following AA5AU's excellent guide in setting this up but something has
me stumped.

In setting up TU Type in Rttyrite I do not have MMTTY as an option. I
have XMMT.ocx instead.  I would really like to have MMTTY instead but I
do not know how to get XMMT out of there and MMTTY in there.  XMMT will
not install because I do not believe it is even on this laptop after the

I have setup soundboard AFSK but I am not liking that.

any help you can provide greatly appreciated.


Thom KI8W

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