[WriteLog] Security warning for any downloaded software,

support at writelog.com support at writelog.com
Fri Oct 7 12:58:07 EDT 2016

> I must be getting old because this stuff is way over my head!!
> Is it possible to put out a step by step procedure to do the stuff
> that is required to get this to work??  Here on the reflector??
> I tried to look at the info and the gnupg site but I can't make heads or
> tales of it!!
> Many Thanks for any help...
> 73,
> Ted  K2QMF

Here is a tutorial:


Let me add that learning to use open source public key infrastructure is
a good idea for everyone that downloads/installs software from the
internet. If you don't know how to use it, then you are "driving without
seat belts" and its only a matter of time before a hacker will take over
your computer.  Of course, its only a matter of time if you DO drive
with seat belts as well, but we "drive defensively" to try to put that
time way out in the future.


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