[WriteLog] CSS Mode Changing

Wayne support at writelog.com
Sat Sep 10 19:03:14 EDT 2016

> i am not hearing any rtty tones, in fact when i click on a call in the bandmap , the mode changes to cw. 
Sorry, I don't have a definitive answer, but I can offer a partial

CSS creates simulated stations based on the mode that WriteLog has told
it. But the CSS will keep stations around "for a while" (Many minutes.)
If WriteLog ever once told the CSS it was operating CW, then CSS might
have created a CW station at that time.

Clicking on a (simulated) spot from the CSS is a hole you can fall into.
That is, if the spot is the mode you don't want, clicking on it set
WriteLog to the unwanted mode, which WriteLog reports to the CSS, which,
in turn, happily creates more stations of that mode. 
rttycontesting.com's STEP 8 puts WL in the correct mode, but CSS might
already have created some CW stations by then.

One trick with CSS is to tune more than 48KHz away--use Step 8
again--being sure to use the mode you want. The CSS bandwidth is 48KHz,
so it cannot keep any of its existing simulated stations when you tune
that far.

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