[WriteLog] RTTYRITE Help

Bob Garrett rgarrett5 at comcast.net
Thu Sep 22 13:43:27 EDT 2016

Greeting Listers,


This is a very helpful group.  Thanks to everyone who posted suggestions for
sending contest sequencial numbers.  Worksed like a charm.


I'm attempting to setup my FTDX5000, WL and MMTTY to operate this week's
CQWW RTTY Contest.  Somehow, I checked a box and here is the result.


Here is the problem.  Once I open WL and go to "rtty window" and hit enter.
It says, MMTTY loading and that is when rttywrite crashes.  So, I don't know
what I've done to make this a permanent checkbox but even using a new
template, the result is the same.  I can't open a new version or rttyrite.
Hope this makes sense.  73 and any help appreciated.  Bob K3UL

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