[WriteLog] MMTTY and writelog

John Maglio jgmags at comcast.net
Sun Sep 25 22:58:48 EDT 2016

I guess I am not among the cognoscenti to operate writelog. Started the 
contest with the saved program. Not an issue. MMTTY using  xmmt TU type. 
MMTTY would not transmit. Prior using the CSS had no problem 
transmitting. I spent nearly an hour to try to get MMTTY to transmit, by 
checking out all the setups. Finally found that I had to reset the TU 
application and then the transmit worked. Then the band map would flash 
off and on and the transmit was gone again. I reset the TU again and the 
transmit was back again. This happened several times so I left writelog 
for another program with no troubles at all. Since I can only operate in 
the contests for just a few hours and I am now with an indoor apartment 
set up I think it is time to bow out of writelog.

73, John KJ1J

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