[WriteLog] RTL-SDR

Wayne support at writelog.com
Sat Feb 18 13:35:12 EST 2017

> I have one of the panadapter kits from mypanadapter.com for my
> ft-2000. I was able to get it working easily with HRD but I would like
> to also use it with Writelog.
> Has anyone used this unit with writelog and if so, how did you set it up?
> Thanks
> Adam  W4TTY

mypanadapter.com doesn't appear to have any of their documentation
online. But here is a sort of rosetta stone for translating HDSDR setup
to WriteLog:

Prerequisite 1:
Use WriteLog's Setup/Ports to control your rig (ft-2000 in this case.)
Be sure that is working properly before
trying to setup the SDR.

Prerequiste 2:
Know what your HDSDR setup is. That is:
A)does it require a "Sound Board" setting? at what sample rate?

B)does it require you to place a ExtIO dll in its install directory?
WriteLog will need to use it, too. But WriteLog
does NOT need a copy. Just note where in the file system it is.

C)Does HDSDR require you to know the IF frequency of your rig? That is,
do you have to setup HDSDR's "LO" to match
your rig's IF? If so, then WriteLog will too. The FT-2000 apparently has
a 69.55MHz IF, but there is space in the
rig for an optional mixer board that mixes this down to 10.55MHz.
Looking at mypanadapter.com, it appears they are
marketing the Newsky SDR that apparently can tune to the 69.55MHz IF
without need for a separate mixer, so it appears
that 69.55MHz is the answer for your setup.

In WriteLog, run its Setup/SDR-Setup... menu entry. WriteLog supports 3
SDR's concurrently, which is why there are
three rows in the dialog. You may use any of those rows, but, for
readability, you should probably start with the top

1. In WL's "IQ Source" column, you need to know if HDSDR expects a
"Sound Board" device to be selected?

A)Yes, then select the same sound board as you selected in HDSDR.
You must decide whether to use "Exclusive" access in WL. If you don't
know, leave this check OFF.
WL may offer a RATE selection. I recommend starting with 48000 if it
offers a choice.

B)NO, then select WriteLog's top-most menu selection "IQ provided via
EXTio" and there is not choice of Exclusive
or Rate

2. Now click WL's "Configure..." button to the right, which starts the
SDR frequency selection setup wizard.

3. Choose SDR on IF of configured Rig and then Next. (Why? because your
SDR is connected to your rig's IF--I can
tell that much from mypanadapter.com)

4. Two items in this wizard page:
A)In WL's "Rig" selector choose the COM port your rig is connected to.

B)For your setup, its almost certainly a "Tunable SDR...". If so, click
that button and type in the IF (likely
69550 or thereabouts) and use the Select ExtIO button and browse to the
same DLL as HDSDR is using.
Click Next

5. In the SDR Receiver IF ranges, just leave this blank for now and
click Next. This screen is used to cover the
cases where the rig's mode selection (CW, LSB, USB, Digital) use
different BFO frequencies. You can come
back and tweak this later if the position of signals on WL's Band Map is
different when you switch the rig's

6. This is my software security paranoia selection. If you want the code
in ExtIO.dll that you loaded to have full
access to your PC running as your user name, just click Next. If, on the
other hand, you would rather not let that
code access all the files on your system as you, you must setup a
separate Windows user account to run that dll,
and WL will run its ExtIO code as that other user. Make your choice.
Click Next.

7. Target bandwidth. This is only to reduce the computational load if,
for example, the SDR provides data only at
a much higher sample rate than you really want to display in WriteLog's
Band Map. Click Finish.

8. Click Run-the SDR's and then OK

Something should happen on WriteLog's Band Map.

Be sure to Setup/Save-Configuration if you want the SDR setup to be
retained. While you are at it, you
might want to switch to the Startup-Options tab and turn ON "run SDRs at
start up"


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