[WriteLog] Recenty used files list

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Mon Jan 23 19:41:41 EST 2017

Yes, WL v12 stores the last 4 recently used files in the registry.

The best way to change the list is just to open the files you want to be in
the list. Open the 4 files you want in the list and they will be in the


Start WriteLog. Click Edit button in the opening screen. This saves the
contests of the registry into a file you name or select. I use the filename
aa5au.ini but you can use any filename you want like writelog.ini. The file
should open in Notepad if you have .ini files set to open with Notepad (or
any other editor). Make changes to the entries which are under the [Recent
File List] like this:

[Recent File List]

Save the file. Then close the file. You will be prompted to load the
contents of the file you just edited. Click Yes.

This might help too.


73, Don AA5AU

-----Original Message-----
From: WriteLog [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Brad
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 6:03 PM
To: writelog at contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] Recenty used files list

Does the latest version of Writelog store the recently used files list in a
registry entry vs. the old .ini [Recent File List]?

If so, can someone enlighten me as to how to manually edit the recents list?


Brad W1NT
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