[WriteLog] Contest Super Simulator 1.10 available. Better simulation of IARU HF

Wayne, W5XD w5xd at writelog.com
Fri Jun 23 09:27:19 EDT 2017

IARU HF is coming up. It has concurrent SSB and CW operation. This
version 1.10 update to the CSS has a more realistic simulation of SO2R
when one of the radios on CW and the other on SSB.


IARU HF is one of the contests supported by the free version of WriteLog:


What is the Contest Super Simulator? Click the first link above.

Its packet spot simulation, by the way, doesn't bust any spots. Guess
that should be fixed :-)

The two packages above are free to download and use.  Free, however,
does not mean its a toy. See 8P5A's results and/or W0YK's NCJ RTTY column.

Wayne, W5XD

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