[WriteLog] WriteLog and Elecraft KDVR3

Randy Thompson K5ZD k5zd at charter.net
Thu Mar 2 21:58:28 EST 2017

Thanks for sharing this Mike.  I finally got my KDVR3 installed this evening
and your instructions worked perfectly on the first try.  Sounds way better
than all of my attempts to use a sound card for voice keying.

Now to figure out all the settings so I can easily switch between CW, SSB
and RTTY.

Randy, K5ZD

> -----Original Message-----
> From: WriteLog [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Mike
> Heideman
> Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 12:07 AM
> To: writelog at contesting.com; Randy Thompson K5ZD
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] WriteLog and Elecraft KDVR3
> I've been using N6EE's method for a couple of years. His website with the
> description repeatedly times out for me so perhaps it is down. I tried to
> record messages when I first got the playback working but didn't know how
> to stop the recording. I figured it out earlier today.
> Here's some information that probably duplicates much of Ron's
> description. Hopefully there's something new.
> Add an Elecraft K3 commands section to writelog.ini:
> [Elecraft_K3_commands]
> Macro_10=SWT21;
> Macro_11=SWT31;
> Macro_12=SWT35;
> Macro_13=SWT39;
> Macro_14=SWT37;SWT21;
> Macro_15=SWT37;SWT31;
> Macro_16=SWT37;SWT35;
> Macro_17=SWT37;SWT39;
> In the Writelog SSB Messages assign messages F1/F11 to F4 as follows:
> F1/F11  %GK10
> F2  %GK11
> F3  %GK12
> F4  %B%BGK13
> I use F4 as my callsign so I want the %B%B at the beginning to prevent
> calling someone as a dupe. I wanted to duplicate the Shift-F-key paradigm
> for recording messages that Writelog normally uses so here are the
> shifted key definitions:
> Shift-F1  %GK14
> Shift-F2  %GK15
> Shift-F3  %GK16
> Shift-F4  %GK17
> You will also need to define the Shifted function keys (1-4) as keyboard
> shortcuts. Go to Setup/Keyboard Shortcuts and assign
> Shift+F01 = RigKbdCommand(14)   - Use RigKbdCommand(n), Rig Command = 14
> Shift+F02 = RigKbdCommand(15)
> Shift+F03 = RigKbdCommand(16)
> Shift+F04 = RigKbdCommand(17)
> In Setup/Ports set the CommPTT to Yes for the K3(s). This will enable the
> ESC key to be used for interrupting messages. Also set the DVK Type to
> None.
> Messages can be recorded by using Shift-F1 to Shift-F4. To terminate a
> message hit the key used for playing back that memory, for instance hit
> F1 to terminate a message recorded with Shift-F1. The ESC key won't work
> to end a recording as it stops the recording but leaves the remainder of
> the previously recorded message.
> In N6EE's original description Ron sets up F1 to F4 as keyboard shortcuts
> similar to what I've done with the shifted keys. This does not seem to be
> necessary and prevents these keys from being used with the Timed-CQ (Alt-
> T) functionality. By not making these into keyboard shortcuts it is
> possible to use Alt-T to Auto-CQ. The repeat interval has to be set to a
> large value (6 to 10 seconds) as Writelog does not know how long the
> messages are. Try a large value first and then reduce to what works for
> the particular message.
> As far as I know it is not possible to conveniently use both the Bank 1
> and Bank 2 messages (M5 to M8) of the DVR. The available command, SWH37,
> toggles between banks but there is no way to specify a particular bank.
> If you're in a mixed-mode contest (10M, IARU, QSO parties) then I've
> found it useful to record the corresponding messages for CW into the same
> keys (F1 to F4) either by using the K3 utility or manually recording with
> a paddle. The CQ exchange key for CW has to be on a different function
> key since the other callsign needs to be included. Be sure to set the CW
> speed of the K3 since these messages will be generated within the K3.
> For SO2R the messages need to be recorded separately on both radios. I
> haven't been able to get dueling CQs to work but haven't spent a lot of
> time trying.
> 73,
> -Mike, N7MH
> John, KK9A wrote:
> > I am not sure what you mean by controlling. I play the messages using
> > N6EE's method: http://n6ee.net84.net/Articles/Key.pdf however I can
> > only record by using the buttons on the K3S.
> >
> > Randy Thompson, K5ZD wrote:
> >> Does anyone have WriteLog working with the Elecraft KDVR3 digital
> >> voice recorder module?  By working, I mean controlling the messages
> >> from the keyboard while running WL.
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