[WriteLog] WAE RTTY issues

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 14:48:29 EST 2017

First off, thanks to Don AA5AU for the excellent WAE writeup. Having a good
setup makes for more fun!

None of these are a big deal, if you take extra care. I am on version
V12.21P, Win 7.

Sometimes when I clicked on the highlighted QTC header number, it clicked
into the first QTC line instead. If I clicked focus into the spot for the
header first, I didn't have an issue.

One time I was dealing an especially difficult QTC RX and somehow managed
to erase the call and received serial number while trying to erase a bad
QTC. It was especially frustrating because I could not re-enter the call
and number with the QTC window open.

Also, I got a QTC into the wrong slot and I found I couldn't do copy/cut
and paste in the QTC window. That would be nice to be able to do.

As noted by AA5AU in his writeup, it would be nice when asking for a QTC
fill to be able to repeat the number a few times. I also ended up resorting
to alt-K to send requests. ("PSE # # # " worked very well, just by the way.)

Thanks! - jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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