[WriteLog] WriteLog 12.21 now available!

Steve Woodruff steve at n9oh.com
Tue Oct 3 14:45:22 EDT 2017

Hi Folks,

WriteLog version 12.21 is a free upgrade for anyone who has purchased
the full 
version of WriteLog since Oct 2016. If you are running an earlier
version, go 
here to purchase a new registration code: http://writelog.com/ordering

New in version 12.21 since 12.20: 

* HIQP. Don’t falsely flag K/VE stations as country multipliers.
* WAE cosmetic update to Send QTC dialog.
* Restrict bare key shortcuts to Entry Window focus, except for top
keyboard row.
* Add automation access to read subreceiver frequency.
* Add ability for RttyRite to share its FSK transmit port.
* When WriteLog is first launched, if you open an existing file, it is
scrolled to the bottom of the log.
* Add ability for RttyRite to continuously log its transmit/receive text
to a file.
* Improve FSK write Port error handling to better work with Remote Rig.
* Add [rttyrite]DisableFskPttOnDtrAndRts. Disables COM port PTT from
* When one rig with supporting SO2R on two COM slots is setup in
Port/Setup, retain the same COMM PTT setting for both slots at
Save/Configuration time.
* Add File/Web Update SCP Files…
* The EntrySendCallExchange command (by default on the Insert key) in
Rtty sets the CALL from the first RttyRite window if it has a call, else
it tries its clones.
* Add RttyRite Edit Options
* Fix CQ WW RTTY missing “state” multiplier for scoreboard posting.
* Display improvements in the Great Circle calculator.
* Restore CRLF line endings in ADIF export that was switched to LF in
version 12.17

12.21 upgrade installers are available here: 


Steve N9OH & Wayne W5XD

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