[WriteLog] K3S SO2V

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Fri Sep 29 18:59:07 EDT 2017

WriteLog very much supports SO2V, and quite well with the K3.  With a true second receiver, two frequencies can be simultaneously received and when the focus is moved to the second receiver, the radio is put into Split mode, and any transmission is on the second receiver frequency.  The Up/Down Arrow keys move between the two receivers, toggling in/out of Split.

This allows one to efficiently interleave QSOs on two frequencies on the same band, even interleaving the QSO phases.  A common scenario is running on one receiver and tuning the other receiver for new mults or stations to work.

The acronym SO2V may not be used but the functionality is excellent.  Hopefully, it will be extended to an arbitrary number of receivers such as in the high-end Flex radios.


On Sep 29, 2017 8:47 AM, support at writelog.com wrote:
> > One thing I found out is that I have to have both radio ports 
> > set to YES for comm PTT and that is not "sticky" for the second 
> > port, has to be set every time WriteLog is ru
> The above has been previously reported and will be fixed in the next
> release, 12.21
> > And the headphone toggle works, it is just that the "normal" 
> > box is always checked no matter what mode it is in.
> Something like this was addressed in 12.19. What version are you running?
> And I have a comment about the acronym "SO2V"
> WriteLog does not support anything that we call SO2V. That
> abbreviation appears nowhere in WriteLog's documentation. We draw the
> line at being able to receive concurrent with transmit, which is what we
> call SO2R (not SO2V.) The "line" means that if a radio can support
> concurrent
> receive with transmit, then we might undertake to support a single radio
> in SO2R. Otherwise, the best you can get from WriteLog's use of a second
> VFO is to get it to track a Band Map on that second VFO.  The list of radios
> what have actually undertaken to support is short: the K3 and the
> Flex-6700.
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