[WriteLog] Band Changes in WPX

Robert woodr90 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 12:00:28 EDT 2018

What's a "Simple QSO"  that would not count on multi radio???


73 W5AJ Robert


-----Original Message-----
From: WriteLog [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Randy
Thompson K5ZD
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 10:34 AM
To: 'kostas sv1dpi' <sv1dpi at otenet.gr>; writelog at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Band Changes in WPX


Your understanding of the MS band change counting for WPX is correct.


Randy, K5ZD


> -----Original Message-----

> From: WriteLog < <mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com>
writelog-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of kostas 

> sv1dpi

> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 11:25 AM

> To:  <mailto:writelog at contesting.com> writelog at contesting.com

> Subject: [WriteLog] Band Changes in WPX


> I was trying the band changes window for cq wpx cw contest. I remember 

> I had problems last year and I was trying to find my mistakes in the

> I use 12.23J version. 2 computers are in network and we are going to 

> run MS.


> According rules, 10 band changes are allowed. I setup the network, I 

> went to Contest>parameter setup and told that we run MS. Also I set 

> the

> 2 radios in radio menu as "this radio is run(A)" and the 2nd one as 

> radio

> (B) mult). I remind that in cq wpx band changes count and not if the 

> 2nd radio gets mults or simple qsos. Also right click over the band 

> changes windows and ticked "band changes per hour". I started log qsos 

> in both radios.


> If I have understand the rules ok, this counts as follows (and this is 

> what I was expected to see in band changes window):


> 20m radio logs a qso  - 0 band change (for both radios)


> 40m radio logs a qso - 1 band change (for both radios)


> 20m radio logs a qso - 2 band changes (for both radios)


> 40m radio logs a qso - 3 band changes (for both radios)


> 40m radio logs another qso - 3 band changes (for both radios)


> 20m radio logs a qso - 4 band changes (for both radios)


> 20m radio logs a qso - 4 band changes (for both radios)


> and goes on.... Both radios - computers are the same (run or mult does 

> not has a differnce - really one signal is allowed - not as cq ww 

> where mult radio could do qsos if these were mults) and should be 

> allowed to have 10 band changes in total every single hour, that is from
00 to 59 minute.


> My writelog does not count right. The 2 computers have different numbers!

> Also a scenario. Let's suppose that network goes down for a while. 

> When it comes again on and both logs are synchronized, numbers in band 

> changes should change and be the same for 2 radios.


> Any help?


> 73 Kostas SV1DPI

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