[WriteLog] Can't get Rttyrite in Writelog demo going

WriteLog support wayne at w5xd.net
Sun Feb 4 14:31:36 EST 2018

I wanted to give Writelog a test drive so I downloaded the demo version
I can't get FSK going in Rttyrite.  I've read the setup instructions
at rttycontesting.com as well as the program's help file to no avail.

I have a Kenwood TS590SG and a Rigblaster Advantage.  I successfully use
FSK RTTY with N1MM and DXLab's Winwarbler (both using MMTTY/EXTFSK) so
probably a configuration issue.  Suggestions appreciated!

Rick K0VC

What does rttycontesting.com say you should be using for the RttyRite
Port menu for your configuration? And what setting are you using? Wayne

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