[WriteLog] FT8 Log export

Jay ws7ik7tj at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 20:22:22 EDT 2018

Sure.  Version 12.30D or beyond.

I have a DXing log.

Click on > File > Import.

Select the place where your FT8 logs reside.  For example:


It will then import that log into your log.  For example ws7i_dx.wl.

I just added all the QSO's in my WSJTX log into my DXing log.

Hope that helps.

73 Jay WS7I

On 7/25/2018 2:25 PM, Grant Bright wrote:
> A while back, Don asked if there is a way to export the FT8 log to Writelog.
> I cannot find if there was an answer.
> Can someone point to a solution?
> tnx es 73, Grant, W5XB
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