[WriteLog] WriteLog 12.34 now available

Steve Woodruff steve at n9oh.com
Mon Nov 12 07:25:29 EST 2018

Hi Folks,

WriteLog version 12.34 is a free upgrade for anyone who has purchased the full version of WriteLog since Nov 2017. If you are running an earlier version, go here to purchase a new registration code: http://writelog.com/ordering

New in version 12.34 since 12.33:

* Version 12.33 broke dueling CQs (auto-resume). It is now fixed.
* Improve remote audio quality.
* Remote audio with UDP if a UDP path exists.

If you're currently on version 12.33 and are planning on using the dueling CQ feature in ARRL SS SSB next weekend, you should probably upgrade.

This release also contains the relatively new Remote Rig Control feature and you can read all about that here: https://writelog.com/announcing-writelog-remote-control

For more information, read the help file in WriteLog.

12.34 upgrade installers are available here:

Updating to 12.34 does not automatically update the necessary multiplier files. You must also File/update-data-files in WriteLog to download them. For anyone choosing to run WriteLog without upgrading, you still want to File/update-data-files in WriteLog to get the multiplier updates.


Steve N9OH & Wayne W5XD

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