[WriteLog] Comment on setup for the upcoming WW Digi DX Contest

Keith Beebe W3KB keith at w3kb.net
Fri Aug 2 16:07:15 EDT 2019

With the Version 12.42 update just posted, including the update to the WW Digi DX contest rules in it, I did a test setup for that contest.  In that setup is the use of DigiRite for the FT8 (and soon to be updated FT4) modes.

***I have a caution to pass along***    Because FT8 and FT4 use the rig setting of USB....Ex: 14074 khz USB....that means the .WAV files that anyone has setup for a SSB contest will unfortunately be sent on the FT8 or FT4 frequencies if one hits say F4 to transmit your call.

Unless I'm missing something,  the F Keys will NOT be used in this particular contest because all of the sending will be controlled by DigiRite.

Therefore, to keep from making a mistake and transmitting a voice .WAV file on the FT8 and FT4 frequencies (not good), I have gone to Setup > Document Settings > CW/RTTY/SSB messages > SSB and then DELETED the various <msg#.wav> listings and saved the setup.

That way it no longer sends a voice message (Ex.  Callsign on the F4 key).

Yes, I did this once, by accident, so that is why I wrote this procedure.  I don't want it to happen (transmitting a voice SSB message on FT8 or FT4 frequencies) to me or anyone else during the upcoming WW Digi DX contest.


Keith W3KB

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