[WriteLog] Icom 7600 users reporting issues please read

support at writelog.com support at writelog.com
Thu Dec 5 11:36:18 EST 2019

If you are running an IC-7600 and recent versions of WriteLog are not
working correctly, you can help us diagnose the problem. You mission,
should you choose to accept it, is as follows:

1. Take note of where you can find your must recent FULL install kit for
WriteLog. You will need it in order to undo the changes in the remainder
of these instructions. If you skip this step, we can still help you
later, but you'll have to ask for help and wait for us to get around to
answering your requests for help.

2. Download this file:

3. With WriteLog NOT running, confirm you are logged into your PC with
an account with Administrator privilege.

4. Unzip the above download into "C:\Program Files
(x86)\WriteLog\Programs" (or wherever you installed WriteLog). If you do
NOT get a prompt saying "Do you really want to overwrite WlogRi32.dll?"
then you are NOT yet in the right directory.

5. From now on, when you run WriteLog, you will get a box that pops up
saying "Log file started at:". REMEMBER WHERE THIS IS.

6. Take WriteLog through the steps required to demonstrate what DOES
WORK and then what DOES NOT WORK.

7. Exit WriteLog.

8. Email a copy of the wlogio.log file that you REMEMBERED to
w5xd at writelog.com. Include that file in your email, and a description,
preferably in English, of what buttons/keys/clicks you did in WriteLog
to make the file.

9. To undo this diagnostic install (and get rid of that popup every time
WriteLog starts) run your most recent FULL installer. And then run your
most recent UPGRADE installer. The latter can be downloaded from
writelog.com. The former you have to ask us to help you.

Wayne, W5XD

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