[WriteLog] WriteLog 12.46 now available

Steve Woodruff steve at n9oh.com
Sun Dec 29 11:09:38 EST 2019

HI Folks,

WriteLog version 12.46 is a free upgrade for anyone who has purchased the full version of WriteLog since Dec 2018.
If you are running an earlier version, go here to purchase a new registration code: http://writelog.com/ordering

New in version 12.46 since 12.45:

* Fix intermittent sound transmit failure when pressing an f-key after an ESC, after an f-key (or multiple) that sent more than 10 seconds of sound.
* Fix failure to initialize WinKeyer echoback on. Affects only WinKeyers that did not default to on.
* For WriteLog remote control, fix occasional “pops” in remote audio that showed up mostly when you select very low bandwidths at Audio connect time.
* Break continuous recording files at the top of the hour.
* When Rtty or DigiRite window is connected, log/dupe as digital mode regardless of rig’s reported mode

For more information, read the help file in WriteLog.

12.46 upgrade installers are available here:

Updating to 12.46 does not automatically update the necessary multiplier files. You must also File/update-data-files in WriteLog to download them. For anyone choosing to run WriteLog without upgrading, you still want to File/update-data-files in WriteLog to get the multiplier updates.


Steve N9OH & Wayne W5XD

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