[WriteLog] priority on alternate messages

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 15:03:14 EDT 2019

I was making some contacts on 80 last night. (I want to use WL/DR as my
regular FT platform, for practice and because WL is my logger of choice for
GP use.)

I felt like I was constantly fighting the machine in getting it to send
what needed to be sent.

Stations want signal report instead of or in addition to grid. OK fine, I
can use alternate messages. Except apparently when I can't.

At one point I had two calls in the QSOs in progress (QIP). I was CQing. A
station had not responded to signal report repeats so I moved on. But I'm
supposed to leave it there in case he comes back. (Maybe not?**)

I'm midway thru QSO with #2, and I get to where he gives me a signal report
and I choose the alt message. Except #1 reappears, and DR decides that one
has priority and boom, my alt message is ignored and it sends a response
(it sent grid which we had already done...)

OK, well, I guess I have to finish #1 first. Except instead on the next
cycle we're back to #2. DR seems to be wanting to interleave these two QSOs
and I can't tell it what to send because it keeps switching calls and
flushing my selected alt msg.

I finally got one of them to where I could just send RR73 and complete.
Instead DR started a new CQ.

It seems to me that if I select an alt msg to send I have some idea of why
I chose it and DR should just send it. Shouldn't that be the priority?

** At one point I did get one of them out of QIP to stop the flip-flopping,
but the one hour memory kicked in and resurrected the call. So this may be
moot anyway.

I hope this report helps an excellent work in progress make more progress.

Thanks - jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/

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